Ticket sales
We are pleased to be able to offer and facilitate the sale of tickets for cultural, public and sporting events throughout the Czech Republic. We cooperate with the following partner companies:
Pre-sale procedure
To avoid spending time in queues, we added a guide on how to proceed with pre-sales in the most efficient way.
- On our partners' websites (you can access them by clicking on their logos above), you can select the event you would like to buy tickets for.
- You book your tickets directly on the partner's website and get a booking number.
- With the booking number you will come to our Infocentrum Třinec, where you will pay for the tickets based on the booking number and we will print them for you.
BONUS: All tickets can be paid in cash or by card.
Next pre-sale
And this is not the only pre-sale that takes place in our Infocentre. We also sell tickets and passes for:
- domestic and international Regiojet tickets
- tickets for events and courses at the Knihovny Třinec,
- occasional sale of tickets from external organisations.
Mini koncert Tereza Mašková
Poklady a zajímavosti z depozitáře - Muzeum Třineckých železáren
26.4.2024 - 15.11.2024Maluji si pro radost - Miroslav Konderla - Muzeum Třineckých železáren a města Třince
10.9.2024 - 20.11.2024Jarmila Lisztwanová - Obrazy - Magistrát města Třince
19.8.2024 - 30.11.2024Zaostřeno na Werk v proměnách času
6.6.2024 - 31.1.2025Ochrana přírody a krajiny v České republice
29.10.2024 - 28.2.2025Mistrovská díla světového umění
1.11.2024 - 31.10.2025POČASÍ V TŘINCI
+420 558 999 110
Dnes otevřeno do 16:00